Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Browse our frequent questions & answers about Itqan ElQuran Academy and You will find answers to common support questions

How do I get started ?

Where Are We Located?

We are located in Egypt.

who are your tutors ? and do You have female tutor for girls and female students?

Why itqanelquran Academy is unique and effective?

With highly-qualified and skilled tutors, certified by the Islamic council, Itqan ElQuran academy uses its online platform for teaching Quran & Arabic effectively.

We are using tools like Skype, email, PowerPoint, and PDF for delivering the content of the courses effectively and in an interactive way that makes the learning process run smoothly & easily.

We absolutely realize that learning Arabic language and/or learning Quran represents a big challenge especially for those who are living non-Arabic speaking countries. Therefore, we adopt a special teaching methodology that makes learning Quran, Arabic, or various Islamic studies not just much easier but also safer, affordable, and convenient.

Moreover, since our e-learning service is available 24/7, you or your kids can learn online with us anytime suits you without affecting your daily job or traditional education.

How effective online Quran learning is?

In modern times, everybody is on a roll with a busy life schedule. With our platform, you can easily get time out of your day for learning Quran. Kids and adults are given the opportunity to learn Quran through lectures, voiceovers, videos, and 1 on 1 session by simply signing up with us. The efficacy lies in the online tests taken by our tutors on a regular basis. The timing and pace of the course are dependent on the student and will only proceed once the student has learned the given lesson which is the core of the efficacy of the online Quran course.

What is the average duration for completing the Quran recitation and/or memorization?

The Quran learning duration depends on the courses and the ability of the student. Although the courses are customizable, the normal duration lies between 1-2 months for every course with milestones. But the major duration of the course is in the hands of the student.

What resources are required for signing up with itqanelquran Academy ?

You need to have a proper internet connection alongside a stable and working PC or laptop. A smartphone will work as well. Although our system is very easy to use, the basic know-how of the computer will be effective.

What will be the charges for the courses ?

The charges for the courses vary depending upon the nature of the courses. But the tuition cost is low and there is no credit card required during the free 3 days trial.

What are the hardware/software requirements? 

You will require a working Desktop (PC) or Laptop, stable internet connection, Skype or zoom software, headset with microphones.
and there are no other software downloads required to communicate live with your teacher using audio-video and text chat so there are no technical snags to deal with.